Shopping at Sam’s Wholesale Club after business member hours end.
Clip on ties. I know the full Windsor may be too much but is it that hard to tie a half Windsor?
Touching a shopping cart handle with my bear hands prior to using sanitizer on it.
Not using hymn books church…I want to see the music not just the words on a screen.
To hear a husband and wife say: “we are pregnant!” That isn’t the way I see it, she is pregnant and you are just an idiot for saying “we.”
Flavoring in my coffee.
Really loud diesel pick-up trucks! Especially the guys who feel need the need goose the throttle in downtown Terre Haute!
The stack of donation request on the corner of my desk.
The idea we have to continue to extend un-employment benefits.
Anything that has an artificial banana flavoring.
Girls draped over the hood of a car. Okay…is this supposed to make me want the car or the girl? I’m not blind or dead so I notice the girl. I also notice that if that was my car I would tell her to get the hell off the hood of my vehicle!
Anyone looking at my computer screen while I am trying to work.