My oldest son, Michael, was between two and three years old. We were in the process of potty training him. During this time Michael had developed a fascination with the toilet, in particular, flushing it.
At this time, we were living in small three-bedroom, one bath, and ranch style home with a one car attached garage. The house was just under 1000 square feet and we paid $24,900.00 for it. It was a great starter home.
One day my wife went to the grocery store while I watched the boys. Stephen, the youngest, was napping while Michael, who never napped and was the poster child for ridilun, was playing between his room and the family room. I heard the toilet flush and Michael laugh, the sound of scampering feet faded as he ran down the hallway and back to his room.
Flush, laugh, scamper, flush, laugh, scamper. This series of procedures took place a half dozen times before I finally asked Michael to come into the front room. As he turned the corner he said: “what dad?” I said, “Come hear pal, and sit on my lap.” As he sat on my lap I asked, “What are you doing?” Michael said, “The cars disappear down the hole dad.” I said,”what?” Michael, “the cars disappear down the whole daddy.” I said, “Show me what you mean.”
Before I could get up from the couch Michael was quickly off my lap scurrying down the hallway . He ran into bedroom, grabbed a matchbox car, and was at the bathroom door before me. Michael said, “Watch this dad.” With one smooth motion he threw the car into the stool with one hand and flushed the toilet with other. "See dad, the car disappears down the hole!"
After scolding him for his actions I was able to figure out that he had flushed at least seven (7) matchbox vehicles down the toilet. I prayed that we wouldn’t have plumbing problems after that.
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