Monday, October 11, 2010

Coon hunting in the park.

To earn extra money for Friday nights my father and uncle Joe would hunt raccoons. Pop and Joe would head out just before dark with flashlights and guns. They always managed to return home within a few hours with at least one raccoon in hand. My grandfather sold the coon skins and would pay my dad and uncle for the coon(s) they brought in.  Pop and Joe would get their money and out for the evening they would go.  

You have to understand that my grandfather loved to hunt raccoons. He would spend hours hunting before his dogs would tree a coon. So he could never understand how pop and Joe could spend just a few hours out, early in the evening and always come home with a raccoon.

It turns out that my dad and uncle didn’t have great skills as hunters. The fact is that they would walk over to the city park to do there coon hunting. No one else hunted in the park since it was against the law to do so. It was easy pickings for Pop and Joe.  

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