Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A few great moments in life don't define us.

You have probably heard people say that life comes down to just a few great moments. If you are worried about what others think of you then yes it does come down to a few great moments.  But I think it is the moments that slip by quietly that really make us into who we are. The moments of simple pleasures, the moments of trials and sorrow all come together to mature and shape us into who we are today.

What are really great moments anyway? I don’t consider becoming the owner of three businesses or realizing goals as great moments. I don’t think receiving an award was a great moment. I don’t even consider being recognized at the mini mart for having been on TV as a great moment.  There were times I was brave or self-sacrificing but I don’t think they are what shaped me.  

A good moment my life: The night my oldest son discovered the moon. Michael and I were driving to our home on Highway 46 in Clay County. We were heading east as the moon started to appear over the tree row. Michael in the most excited voice asked: “dad, what is that!”  My answer was "That is the moon Micheal."  His replay: "Oh, the moon!" When think of this moment it always brings a smile to my face.

A series of good moment in my life: When Jackie makes a “funny.”  There is a certain amount of satisfaction Jackie gets from making a funny and it is heartwarming to see her when she does. I think I rubbed off on her more then she would want to admit but this is a good moment.

A tough moment in my life: Watching either of my boys taken in for surgery. Michael and Stephen both have had surgeries, Michael once and Stephen three times. Stephen’s third surgery was the hardest. The nurse and anesthesiologist put Stephen in a race car type wagon and took him to the operating room.   As they disappeared down the hallway my heart broke.

A good moment in my life: My first trip to New York City. I was so amazed by the site and still think of seeing the skyline for the first time.

A good moment: Anytime I can connect with someone else through laughter. Also, laughing until it hurts and then laughing more.

A very hard moment: When I had to say goodbye to my friend knowing he would soon pass away. Although goodbyes in general are hard, the finality of saying goodbye to someone dying doesn’t have the sting of saying goodbye to someone who is leaving for an extended period of time.

Great Moment:  Finding I daughter I didn’t have. I should probably say having a daughter I didn’t have find me.

Both a hard moment and good moment:  The death of my dad. I was told by someone at my father’s funeral that his death will never stop hurting but as time passes it just won’t hurt as often. So it was hard because it hurt. It was a great moment because of how much I grew after his death. 

A hard moment in my life: Allowing my children to pay for the mistakes they make.

Good moments: Watching Stephen’s enthusiasm for his work and how he really excels at the job…when he shows up on time. Watching Michael study for school at one of the tables at the coffee grounds and thinking he has found his footing in life. Hearing Talita talk about the “gross” medical things she has learned and experienced while she oozes determination with a bit of reluctant passion.  I know all three of my kids will make it!  

I think I am who I am because of the small moments moments above and many more such as: Mrs. Workman Splitting a piece of gum four ways. Jimmy hooking his dad in the back on a fishing trip. Ramping my moped over cans. Fishing with bacon, cutting my arm open, swimming in the creek, wrecking the truck, cleaning the dock at Roadway, listening to my dads stories, my 21st birthday and on and on. These are all part of what shaped me.

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